Sunday, 30 January 2011

A special day – how it all begins!

Today is a special day for me: I have just pushed my bed against the wall. 

You see, my bedroom is not exactly poky, but I get a lot more walking space if I push my double bed against one of the walls. For the last 6 months, the bed had been perfectly equidistant from two of the walls. As you might have guessed, this was to enable my boyfriend to get in and out of his side of the bed without having to roll on top of me (there’s a time and a place, and nobody wants to be woken up in the middle of the night every time their other half needs to empty their bladder). But I digress.

Today was a special day because I finally came to terms with the fact that said boyfriend is gone and is not going to reappear any time soon. It all happened a few weeks ago and despite not being healed yet, I’m now ready to talk about him, men and relationships in general. And although at the moment I don’t feel massively up for it, I know I will want to start dating again in the not-too-distant future.

For the past year or so I have been reading a few dating blogs, which have enlightened many hours of my spare time. It all began by accident when I typed ‘plenty more fish’ into my iPhone while looking for an online dating website with a very similar name. Fishy’s blog came up, and I’m so glad it did. Reading his tales was incredibly interesting and pretty darn funny. Once I finished reading all his posts – come back Fishy, we need more! – I progressed through reading some blogs which were linked to it: mainly Rapunzel’s at Tales from The Tower and Lifebeginsat30ty’s. I got really addicted to reading these girls’ stories and I’ve been a regular reader ever since. I laugh with them, cringe with them, feel hopeful with them when times are high, and sad for them when things get difficult. If you haven’t done so yet, I’d recommend you read their excellent tales. They’re both keeping very busy right now – wink wink ;-)

So today will be marked as a special day on my calendar as it’s both the day I pushed my bed back against the wall, and also the day I start my own dating blog. Before getting into my latest relationship last summer, I had done quite a bit of ‘shopping around’, which should provide for some interesting background material. And hopefully I will soon feel like meeting new people again, and of course blog about it. This means I will start with a few flashbacks into some of my most significant past dates, and I’ll introduce current stories when and if they happen.

I was always the bookie type, I love reading and writing, and God knows how many times my sisters sneaked into my diary when I was younger... so this will feel like being 13 again. One last point: although writing and languages are my work and passion, English is not my first language, which hopefully won’t be an issue. Any comments (especially of the negative sort!) from readers who feel this somewhat hampers the reading are very welcome. I’m blogging both for myself and for you lovely people, and I certainly want to make sure it’s as enjoyable as it can be for all of us :-)

Thanks for reading!

Pupa x


  1. The first few blogs which I read included those same three and they helped to inspire me to write about my past dating experiences too! Looking forward to reading your online dating stories.

  2. Hey Matt, thanks for the comment and for being my first follower! It means a lot as I'm an avid reader of yours. I share your pain about the front teeth, btw. Haven't bitten properly into an apple for centuries!

    I'm dying to know how things went on Sunday... Either one of you please take us out of this misery! ;-)

