Monday, 21 March 2011

Hot Cross Buns – part 1

Hello! I’ve been away for a few days and have decided that my current dating situation is still a bit on the dull side, therefore I'll present you with a fresh new instalment from the past... Hot Cross Buns!

Hot Cross Buns lived in my city, was about my age, and his online profile was very friendly and fun. He seemed to be my type physically as well - very blond, massive blue eyes, fit. Agreeing to a date with him was a no brainer.

He was a busy man so we met for brunch in a lovely little cafe outside the cathedral green. When I got there, he was sat on a stool, looking very proud of having snatched a table as the place was manic.

We kissed on the cheek and started chatting. Things were awkward for about 10 minutes, then we both started relaxing. He had a job in IT, so work wasn’t really a conversation topic (sorry, IT people, it's not you, it's me). He was massively into fitness, which I was happy to listen to (after all it’s not every day that you get to have coffee with a triathlete) but couldn’t really contribute much. The waiter came and went with our food. Everything was delicious, and I remember I was concentrating more on the food than on what he was saying. I caught myself drifting off a couple of times. What was that about his boss? Oops.

It’s not like he wasn’t talking enough, or he was talking too much. He was nice. But I was getting bored – pretty quickly. Just when I was about to call it a day – the food had been hoovered, the coffees slurped, the time would have been right – he did one thing that made me change my mind altogether. To be precise, he did two things in quick succession. First, he took off his jumper. Then, he got up to go the toilet.

Oh my word. I should have seen it coming, right? What with the triathlon and all that. But silly little me hadn’t really made a connection.

He was the fittest man on earth. Honestly. When he took off his jumper, I caught a glimpse of his midriff. And his arms were just ridiculously muscular, without looking pumped up. He was very lean, yet incredibly defined. Then he got up and walked away from the table, towards the toilet. Now this is going to sound very wrong... but I couldn’t keep my eyes off his bum. I normally don't perv over men’s bums on a first date, but this was just too good to be true. Just perfect and peachy.

I was still trying to compose myself when he came out of the toilets. We went to settle the bill (which he insisted to pay) and walked out. I was suddenly very aware of his physical presence. We said goodbye and walked away in separate directions.

I was very confused. Our date had been very average and fairly boring at times. I didn’t think there was a spark, or enough common ground, to go for round 2. This is what my head was saying, anyway. My body had very different ideas...

If you want to find out what happens next between me and Hot Cross Buns, come back for part 2! Thanks for reading!

Pupa x


  1. Seems like the end of the date was quite sudden - now I'm wondering if you turned around and chased after him!

  2. Well obviously other things happened if there is a part 2! I'm starting to think that one date really isn't enough to decide whether you like someone. Except you know when there's hot buns involved ;) Good thing he had to use the gents! haha.

  3. @Matt: Not fit enough to chase after a triathlete I'm afraid! I did have to do an entirely different type of chasing though - part 2 to come soon!

    @LifeBegins: I agree. Unless there are clear signs of incompatibility (see John of the Moors!), I'm always up for date 2. That's when people start to relax!

  4. Coming soon! Apologies for the lack of updates, these Bank Holidays are throwing a spanner in the works big time! :-)
