Thursday, 10 February 2011

John of the Moors – part 2

A few days had gone by after my first quite unimpressive date with John of the Moors, and he had got in touch a couple of times. I’m not really the rude type, and find it pretty difficult to just give somebody the cold shoulder. Either I explained politely that I didn’t want to go on another date with him, or I just agreed to it. And as the spineless push-over that I am, of course I felt I only had one alternative.

There is just one word to describe how this second date went: bland. It’s not that easy for things to be bland when I’m around, at least if you don’t know me well. As I’m still pretty foreign in my ways and habits, normally within 20 minutes of being with a new person I will get something wrong, make a social faux-pas or misunderstand a crucial bit of the conversation. Let’s say I provide a good canvas for fun and banter. Like the time I said I considered English people to be dirty as they don’t have bidets in their bathrooms. Never heard back from him!!

So, John of the Moors and I went off for a lovely walk on the beach, followed by fish and chips by the waterfront. One thought was going through my head for the whole time: bland. I didn’t feel attracted to him, I didn’t really want to ask him more questions, I didn’t want to go somewhere else after we finished our food. I just wanted to click my fingers and be at home... alone.

I felt pretty bad as he was trying really hard and paying me lots of lovely compliments. But I was bored to tears. However, our date took an unexpected turn when he decided to steer the conversation to politics. The guy clearly had a trick up his sleeve! While we were walking back to the car, he thought it would be appropriate to let me know what he thought of immigrants, particularly Eastern Europeans, who come into this country and steal jobs.

Oh dear. I really hadn’t seen that coming. One thing I won't put up with is bigoted, right-winged idiots. He must have noticed my eyes getting wider and my jaw dropping, because he quickly added ‘Oh, I didn’t mean you. You had a job when you came over.’ I’d love to say that I had a witty and intelligent reply to that, but the truth is I didn’t. I just went very quiet. Needless to say, the car journey back home felt endless. Again, I asked him to drop me off in town, and this time I didn’t leave him any time to trick me into his future plans. Instead, I opted for what I consider the aftermath of a bad date: retail therapy. Every time I feel the need to buy a pair of shoes after a date, I know for sure that my ‘relationship’ with this guy is on its last legs.

I dropped him a rather casual email the day after, which he seemed to take well. We tried to stay friends, but I found that pretty uncomfortable. Contact got less and less frequent and then stopped.

On my next search on the dating site, I unticked ‘conservative’ and ‘ultraconservative’ from my search parameters.

Stay tuned to read all about my next dating disaster!

Pupa x


  1. Ouch - bad move John! At least it happened on what was already a bad date, if you see what I mean! It's such a shame when things are going really well and then the Big Red Flag appears, but with this guy you already knew that he wasn't for you even before that point - just extra confirmation!

  2. Very true Matt! He only made it easier for himself :-)

    So happy for you and LB! Such a cute picture! Keep the posts coming please!
