Friday, 11 February 2011

My inappropriate weekend

This is just a quick break from my past dates to jump briefly into the present, as I have something to get off my chest: this weekend I'm going to visit Longshanks.

Of course you don’t who Longshanks is, or his significance in my life. I will get to him pretty soon, but in the meantime I want you to know that I will be staying with him for the weekend. He has recently moved to London, so I will do the 2-hour trek to spend the weekend with him. I only saw him once since we were dating back last year, but I had a boyfriend at the time; we just happened to be in the same city and went for a quick coffee. Nothing else to note on that occasion!

I have no idea what to expect from this weekend, but I know I’m a bit too excited for it to be considered a ‘standard’ visit to a friend. I have been worrying about what I’ll be wearing and such. Not good.

Handsome Housemate is not happy. You couldn’t possibly understand now, but I can assure you he has his reasons.

I have decided to ignore him and go for it. No doubt you’ll hear all about it later on.

Ciao for now and have a great weekend!

Pupa x

1 comment:

  1. Sounds intriguing - hope you have a great weekend too, whatever it may bring!
