Friday, 25 February 2011

Longshanks – part 5

So that was date 3 with Longshanks. If I hadn’t known what I knew, I’d have thought we were fine. Things seemed to be progressing. We liked each other's company, had a good time together. It’s not that complicated.

While we were parting at the train station on our last date, Longshanks asked me if I was free the following weekend. He was going to stay with a friend in a different city and asked me if I wanted to join him. I said it sounded like fun, and he said he’d check with his friend if it was alright to have a guest and would let me know.

A couple of days passed and I started wondering whether we were going to make plans for the weekend. I felt like I was in a weak position and certainly wasn’t going to start pushing and prodding him so that he’d ask me out again.

Mid-week I received an email from him. I was lounging with Handsome Housemate and picked it up on my phone. I had to make a swift exit as my eyes started filling up with tears. Rejection is an ugly beast!

To summarise, Longshanks had written a very long and sweet message about how he thought we shouldn’t be seeing each other. How he could see that I was putting up with his approach because I liked him, but that if I could have it my way, I would have wanted things to be different. He said I shouldn’t compromise on what I want from a man and he certainly didn't want to be the guy who made me do that. And that I was a beautiful, lovely, smart and fun woman and I could easily find somebody who could give me the whole package, instead of a guy with a foot out of the door.

I sent a short reply, thanking him for the honesty and wishing him all the best.

In hindsight, I'm so glad things went the way they did. I felt pretty low for a couple of days, but quickly picked up.

He's a lovely guy, and I can still see all the reasons why I found him attractive. However, he’s not available for the kind of relationship that I’m looking for, and I have put a big red cross on him. There was a slight incident a few months ago when he invited me to go camping with him. I really wouldn’t have been comfortable sharing a tent and all that. I explained that I had a boyfriend and I wasn’t interested in being friends with benefits. He replied that he knew, and the offer still stood. I politely declined.

We regularly talk by text/Facebook/phone and we also met up twice since we stopped seeing each other. The first time was before Christmas – completely innocuous encounter as I had a boyfriend and we just met for a coffee and a chat. The second time was very recently and things were a tad less innocuous – post on that coming soon!

I also wanted to thank Rapunzel and LifeBegins for following... two of my favourite bloggers :-)

Have a great weekend!

Pupa x


  1. Rejections are never fun but it sounds like he really tried to be nice about it and you handled it well too. Curious to read the forthcoming post on recent developments though!

  2. That's now up :-) Thanks Matt!
