Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Longshanks – part 1

As I mentioned, I went to London to see Longshanks last weekend. Things went well - I'd go as far as say they went exactly how I wanted. I'll fill you in on that later, as I think it makes a lot more sense to explain our history first. So here it is - enjoy!

Longshanks was next up on my list of online suitors. By that time I had exchanged messages with quite a few people, and I was gradually learning the rules: 1) keep it short and sweet; 2) hint, don’t dissect; 3) if you have a good feeling, drop a suggestion to meeting up.

I stumbled upon Longshanks' profile because the site listed him as a potential match. Lord knows why, as he lived one and a half hour away from me. Details, eh! Unfortunately, by the time I noticed this tiny issue, I was already laughing at the witty description of himself and drooling over his pictures.

Did I mention I’m a sucker for unconventional beauty? I am! This guy is mixed race, the kind of person whose eyes tell tales from another continent. I pondered for about 10 seconds before sending him a message which read: “Finally somebody interesting on this site! Glad to find out that my ‘foreign’ radar seems to be working fine.” This was followed by some general pleasantries.

Cheesy, I know. But his foreign radar must have been switched on too, as he replied pretty soon, and we exchanged emails for a week or so before deciding to meet up. Our messages were light-hearted, fun and a tad flirty. I really felt I could be myself with him.

We met up on a sunny Sunday in a city halfway between us. We had arranged to go ice-skating, followed by lunch and a walk. It might sound ambitious, but I think we both knew we'd have a fun time together. Walking out of the station, I recognised him straight away: I have never met anybody with such a striking appearance. We hugged and kissed on the cheeks and I don't remember the slightest hint of awkwardness between us. The day went by like a dream. While I was trying to skate backwards, I bumped into him really hard, which almost sent him fly to the ground. I held his stinky socks when he went to pick up our shoes. We went for coffee after that, then a walk, then lunch, followed by more walking, plus another coffee while waiting for my train (I know!). We spent something like 6 hours together. When we parted, he kissed me on the cheeks and said: “Let me know your plans!”. 

On the train home, my emotions were all over the place. My plans? How do you mean? Like, apart from marrying you and having your babies? I texted Handsome Housemate to say I had butterflies in my tummy. His reply was “Ooooohhh!”. He knew he’d have to hear all about this guy later on.

That evening I was on the sofa having pizza with Handsome Housemate. I couldn’t stop talking about my date, and how I thought he was ‘out of my league’. Before I get told off, I’ll clarify. I quite like myself. I think I’m fun and smart(ish) and I scrub up alright. But this guy was so damn sexy and smart and interesting that I couldn’t possibly believe he'd be interested in little me. Halfway a detailed description of my day - I could tell that Handsome Housemate’s eyes were glazing over – my mobile beeped. Oh, the sweetest sound on earth. The screen read: “Longshanks – Text”.

Now, in different circumstances this would call for a cliff-hanger, but I appreciate that’s a trick for experienced bloggers and I will not go there! ;-)

So, I opened the message which read: “Thanks for the coffee sweet. It was lovely. Hope you have more. Longshanks x”. Before any inappropriate thoughts form in your brains, that wasn’t a euphemism for anything. I’d had some unusual Italian sweets in my handbag and I had given him one for his drive back.

That was that. Suddenly I was ecstatic. He liked me! He fancied me! He wanted to see me again!! Handsome Housemate tried to butt in saying he probably just liked the sweet. COME ON!! Wake up and smell the coffee (sweet)! That was clearly a declaration of everlasting love, non?

It’s at that very second that I started planning our second date. More to come soon!

Pupa x


  1. Wow, what a great first date - I can see why you'd be so excited at the prospect of a second one! I guess the distance could be a problem - but then it's nice that we already know that it didn't stop you from meeting up last weekend!

  2. Thanks Matt! As it turns out, distance wasn't the only problem... More to come soon :-)
