Friday, 18 February 2011

Longshanks – part 2

Here I am with the second instalment of the Longshanks’ saga. Hope you enjoy!

After our first date, Longshanks and I kept in touch by text and email. He also had an open profile on Facebook (crazy fool!), which allowed me to stalk him sneak a peek into his private life. What can you do? A girl has to be equipped with background info! He seemed very genuine, fun and confident, without being cocky or arrogant. I was quickly developing the biggest crush for this guy.

At some point mid-week he asked me if I was free that Saturday. Turns out he was coming nearish to me the evening before to stay with some family, which meant he could come to me on Saturday morning. I remember being in work and going into an absolute frenzy. He wanted to see me again, and he was coming to me! Surely that was too good to be true. Handsome Housemate suggested I’d calm down. I suggested he’d start looking for a new housemate as at this rate, I'd be moving in with this man any time soon ;-)

So on Saturday around lunchtime, after a morning spent making the house and myself look presentable, I was playing Scrabble with Handsome Housemate when Longshanks rang my doorbell. I was losing by a mile anyway, as I couldn’t concentrate. I let him in, made the introductions, and went to pick up a vase for my flowers.

That’s right. Flowers. Did this guy have any flaws at all? I was so taken. It wasn’t cheesy, and they weren’t roses or anything over the top, just a bunch of colourful stuff which said ‘I like you, and I want to see you smile’. Handsome Housemate came over to the sink while I was cutting the stems and winked at me. Seal of approval! I’ll elaborate on that another time, but he tends to meet most of my dates and is normally fairly critical. Not so this time!

Anyway, I took my date’s arm and off we went, for the long walk I had planned. We got to this lovely little place in the early afternoon, where we had food and a couple of drinks in the beer garden. We talked, we listened, we joked and at one point he told me I looked beautiful, which sent my head for a spin for at least half an hour. At around 6pm it was decided that he was to come back to mine for a bite to eat before he’d set off.

Back at my pad, with Handsome Housemate conveniently out, I gave Longshanks a tour of the house before making us some fodder. I rustled up some pasta while he serenaded me. That’s correct. He had found Handsome Housemate’s guitar and had started playing away and singing... You’re probably thinking it was incredibly cheesy. And maybe it was a bit. But he obviously knew what he was doing and it was just so much fun. I should clarify here that I’d rather poke myself repeatedly in the eye with a chopstick than sing; therefore I just stood there listening, smiling and checking I wasn't cremating the food.

After dinner we moved over to the sofas, me with a second glass of Italian white wine and him with a fizzy water, as he was driving. We had barely sat down and put the fire on, and I was still contemplating whether having TV on in the background was a wise move, or if it'd give the message I was bored or didn’t want to talk to him. This issue was swept out of sight when he grabbed my arm while I was getting up and said: “I really want to kiss you”. 


I don’t know my British etiquette very well yet, and to be honest I don’t even know if there are rules for this type of situation. What do you say to that? “That’s very kind of you, thank you”. “Of course sir, go ahead and kiss me!” My brain just wasn’t coming up with anything useful. I sat back on the sofa, smiling, probably looking like a dumbass, for what felt like ages. Then he leant forward and kissed me. It was nice, and felt right, and all that. The kissing soon developed into a full-on snog. So what? The curtains were closed. I liked this guy. I felt it was fine. There was this moment when he came up for air to ask me if I was ok – potentially referring to his hand sneaking up my top. I was. After a while, we decided to calm down, sat back and smoothed our clothes down.

I was still smiling inside when I heard the words: “What are we going to do now?”. Thoughts were forming in my head, of the ‘we-meet-again-soon-and-do-all-this-again’ variety. Before I could formulate any of this out loud, I heard him say: “Are you going to take care of yourself?”

Uh-oh. Massive black clouds at the horizon. Take care of myself?. As in, make sure I brush my teeth and eat my 5-a-day? I have been doing that for quite a while before meeting you, Longshanks. What’s that supposed to mean?

I’ll leave the rest for part 3 – see you soon!

Pupa x


  1. Oooh exciting!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. And as you see it was worth it cause I've popped over to yours and am now following!

    Rapunzel x
    *Tales from the Tower*

  2. Thanks so much for following, Rapunzel! I've been reading your blog for ages and I'm a big fan :-)
